Domestic Violence, Weibo Data, and Machine Learning Approach

This project uses a sample of 1.16 million active Weibo users. All participants were anonymized in the data analysis. Prediction models are developed and validated to measure mental health status with training data. We extract linguistic and behavioral features with Linguistic Inquiry and Word Count (LIWC) from the Weibo posts. We use our trained prediction models to predict outcome variables (e.g., mental health status) using these features.

Using Social Media to Explore the Consequences of Domestic Violence on Mental Health
Liu, M., Xue, J., Zhao, N., Wang, X., Jiao, D., & Zhu, T. (2018).
Journal of Interpersonal Violence. 1, 21.
Using Social Media to Explore the Linguistic Features in Female Adults with Childhood Sexual Abuse by Linguistic Inquiry and Word Count
Wan, W., Sun, J., Liu, J., Yang, S. W., Liu M., Xue, J., Jiao, D., & Liu, X. (2019).
Human Behavior and Emerging Technologies. 1(3). 181-189
A Linguistic Study of Chinese Weibo Users Who Lost Their Only Child
Liu, M., Liu, T., Wang X., Zhao, N., Xue, J., Zhu, T. (2019).
Death Studies, 1-12.
The Impact of Family Violence Incidents on Personality Changes: An Examination of Social Media Users’ Messages in China
Li, S., Liu, M., Zhao, N., Xue, J., Wang, X., Jiao, D., & Zhu, T. (2021)
PsyCh Journal.
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China Academy of Sciences

Supervised Students

Lenovo Research (China)

Supervised Students

Institute of Psychology

Chinese Academy of Sciences

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