ntelligence for
ustice Lab
Studying Social Justice with Artificial Intelligence at the University of Toronto
Our Mission
We are dedicated to human-centered data science with missions in research and teaching.
Learn more about AIJ Lab
AIJ focuses its efforts to undertake new frontier research that tackles important questions at the leading edge of computational social science.
View All research projects
Addressing Biases in Artificial Intelligence
This project aims to systematically engage with the problem of bias for the purpose of addressing the social ills that this form of discrimination can cause.
AI-Powered Chatbot for Intimate/Sexual Violence Victims
The AI-powered Chatbot can provide immediate responses with information about mental health screening, diagnosis, support treatment......
Covid-19 Research, Big Data, and Natural Language Processing
This project aims to provide a large-scale analysis of public discourse on COVID-19 related topics on social media.
At a time when there is an ongoing public discussion about the responsible use of big data, the Big Data for Social Justice Lab inspires students to reflect on how big data can be used to promote social justice in innovative ways.
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What's New
UofT News
UofT News
U of T researcher uses social media data to analyze public reaction to the pandemic
Jia Xue uses machine learning to analyze social media content to get a real-time sense of how people are reacting to the pandemic (photo by David Lee)
July 21, 2020
UofT News
UofT News
From Canada to Uganda and beyond: U of T researchers receive funding for COVID-19 projects
The following researchers at U of T and its partner hospitals have received CIHR funding for COVID-19-related projects:
July 21, 2020
Faculty of Information News
Faculty of Information News
Mining social media data to see shifting public reactions to COVID-19
From the moment news broke of an unknown, potentially deadly virus, the topic lit up social media channels.......
July 09, 2020
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